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October 3, 2014

Natural Hand Soap

by DePaolo Equine Concepts

Natural foaming hand soap is very easy to make and it is just as effective as regular foaming soap but without all of the harsh chemicals.  Dr. Mark even makes his own!  You will either need to use an old pump bottle or you can invest in a high quality one.


  • distilled or boiled water
  • 2 tablespoons liquid castile soap (unscented) or another foaming agent such as Sodium Lureth Sulfate or Sodium Lauroyl Lactaylate
  • 2 tablespoons colloidal silver
  • 1/2-1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 10 drops essential oils of choice

**You can also get the scented castile from Dr. Bronner’s instead of adding your own essential oils.

soap bottlecastille soapcolloidal silvercoconut oildoterra





Pour castile soap (or foaming agent), colloidal silver and coconut oil into bottle.  Add essential oils.  Slowly add water making sure to leave enough room for the pumper to fit.  Affix pumper to top and shake lightly to mix ingredients.  That’s it!

The medicinal properties of Colloidal Silver  include fighting infection and healing tissue.  It can be used internally or topically on humans and animals.  For more information on colloidal silver, please visit:  Also on the site are scientific studies and medical research exploring the effectiveness of Colloidal Silver:  To purchase Colloidal Silver from DePaolo Equine Concepts visit our online store.

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