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September 26, 2016

It’s Hockey Season!

by DePaolo Equine Concepts

Today is the Dallas Stars’ pre-season opener against the St. Louis Blues.  Dr. Mark and his wife, Jacqui, are big Stars fans and this year they season ticket holders!  The stars have won eight division titles in Dallas and in the 1998-99 season they won the coveted Stanley Cup.

Rapid Fire With Dr. Mark

Favorite place to eat before the game:Cook Hall in the W Hotel.  

  • Not only is it conveniently located near the American Airlines Center, it has great food!  The menu boasts, “Cook Hall features regional American fare comprised of familiar comfort foods, updated and refined for the modern diner’s palate.”

Favorite Stars player:#14 – Jamie Benn

  • jamie-bennThe Stars’ left wing is also the captain of the team.  Hailing from the country to the north, Benn was part of the 2014 Canadian gold medal Olympic team.  In the 2014-15 season, Benn was the league’s leading scorer with 87 points.

Favorite Stars tradition: The Star Spangled Banner

  • During the National Anthem, the fans yell the word “stars” in the lines “whose broad stripes and bright stars” and “O say does that star spangled banner yet wave.”  It is fun and patriotic and really gets the crowd revved up for the game!


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